Thursday, June 4, 2009

Obama's Goes Global

I don't care if your a Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal (unless your an idiot Neo-Con) you there's no bad words to be said about Barack Obama's speech today at The University of Cairo in Egypt. Obama is a just a great orator. There was concern from the right that Obama was just going to go over there and apologize to *gasp* Muslims about all past wrong this country has done (which wouldn't be untrue) and continue his "apology tour". Well he didn't do that. He towed the thin line. He was harsh on Muslim extremist letting them know that they would not be tolerated, while letting them know that the US was not a place of hatred and we respect people of all races and religions were respected. I thought his use of the Koran ingenious as a way of connecting with his audience. HIS AUDIENCE IS NOT AN OLD WHITE MAN ALABAMA. People need to take things in context. Of course your going to have your Xenophoic Neo-Conservative idiots like Rush Limbaugh who say things like “If Al Qaeda wants to demolish the America we know and love, they'd better hurry, because Obama's beating them to it.” What a fuckin baseless idiot. I know he represents a very small part of Amerieca but that comment was COMPLETELY out of line. I have no problem with people who have policy differences but thats just a stupid Hyper-Partisan comment. Keep Doing You Barack!

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